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Peer Gynt, Solveig

  • DE SPIL roeselare Belgium (kaart)

Edvard Grieg initially did not think much of Peer Gynt, the social satire disguised as a fairy tale that his friend Hendrik Ibsen had written. And yet he turned the story of the egotistical Peer Gynt, a scamp who leaves a swath of destruction and broken hearts behind him, into a musical blockbuster and audience pleaser.

Tristan Versteven and Brechtje Louwaard of theater company Het Banket wove together text, music and imagery. Actor Filip Jordens narrates, and graphic artist Gerda Dendooven created imagery projected on stage in real time. 

Roles: Filip Jordens (Peer Gynt), Jolien De Gendt (Solvjeg), Kelly Poukens (Anitra), Kristien Nijs, Sarah Van Mol & Evi Roelants (3 Saeter Girls) and Conor Biggs (Thief).

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 18 maart
verjaardagsconcert Jolien en Annelies
Latere gebeurtenis: 3 april
Peer Gynt, Solveig